B. McCormack Construction Ltd.


Almost all houses have some potential for extended space. The best way to find and use it is not always apparent. It could be upwards, outwards, even downwards. Of course, the actual extension is usually only half the story – if you are going to all the trouble and expense of extending, you need to think of the whole house and how it will look and work afterwards. The unintended consequences of a bad extension can be worse than no extension. So if you know you want more space, but you’re not sure how to go about it, we can probably help.


There are few greater pleasures than seeing a beautiful old building restored back to the use it was intended for. But there are few greater frustrations than seeing such an effort done badly, however good the intention. This is one area where there are clear-cut rights and wrongs. And where being able to make the right judgement about what to change and what to preserve is so important. Our towns and countryside are full of small traditional buildings – ones that often fall below the radar of a protected structures listing – but which need to be taken care of in a way that ensures they are used, and that they are passed on intact to the next generation. If you own or are thinking of buying an old “doer-upper”, then give us a call.


In addition to adding or unlocking space, there is the potential to simply improve it. You might want your space to be cosy, and your bills under control, without unforeseen consequences. Or you might need to fix a specific problem – a leak, a crack, bad ventilation etc. And that’s not to mention the old reliables – paint, tiles, flooring and other small changes that can make big differences. Just get in touch, we cover them all.


Sometimes it only takes a small change to have a big effect. A change of layout, new doorways or windows, clever storage – there are lots of ways to unlock and improve the space you live in, giving you the effect of gaining space without having to build space.